
Leadership in business and in private life has got quite a meaning to it. To take the lead should first of all mean that you choose a direction and secondly that the chosen direction inspires others to move with you. That the chosen direction has a way forward in space time and seems logical and even desired. We call that development.
This might not always be the case though, some leaders direct a company or a group of people away from possible risk, danger, loss or anything else to be avoided.
These leaders have a tendency to keep things as they are, like most conservative parties have. The smartest people are members of these parties all over the world which might tell us that a large group of leaders have this avoiding tendency. People who move with these leaders move away from possible dangers.
When in personal life, unconsciously avoiding pain, conflict, danger etc. half of life's opportunities, possibilities and responsibility to be who you are will not see the light of day. Personal leadership means direct your self forward, take responsibility when life surprises you the way it will everybody. Find in your self the meaning of the surprise and the surprise will probably be less of a surprise. Then you might find ways to take steps forward or think in a different direction so that you feel you lead your life in stead of have others do that for you. That's personal leadership and most leaders in business already know that.