What you see is what you get, is a truth far deeper than most of us realize.
What we can visualize , we can do, if we cannot imagine our selves doing something, it means we can't do it.
On the other hand our unconscious has collected a treasure of images, and has a whole library of memories that are attached to images. Some of them have an undermining influence on real life. Patterns in behavior occur again and again. Therapy, spirituality, awareness, you name it, the pattern is stubbornly there and amazes you every time.
Through NLP and knowledge of psychological development we can have a good look at how our undermining images are trying to tell us what it is that we need in order to personally develop.
It is the eye of ignorance that assigns a fixed and unchangeable color to every object; beware of this stumbling block.What we can visualize , we can do, if we cannot imagine our selves doing something, it means we can't do it.
On the other hand our unconscious has collected a treasure of images, and has a whole library of memories that are attached to images. Some of them have an undermining influence on real life. Patterns in behavior occur again and again. Therapy, spirituality, awareness, you name it, the pattern is stubbornly there and amazes you every time.
Through NLP and knowledge of psychological development we can have a good look at how our undermining images are trying to tell us what it is that we need in order to personally develop.
Paul Gauguin